Kids and career can be two of the most fulfilling parts of one’s life. However, they can also be the most distracting, as HBF Fit Fan David Rose found when he realised earlier this year that despite being a keen runner in his twenties, now his sole exercise came from walking his elderly dog (who happens to have pretty short legs!)

But this March, David made a change. After getting accepted into the HBF Fit Fans competition, David decided it wasn’t about lack of time – it was his lack of desire to make time that was affecting him. “I guess I had a bit of an epiphany. I had all of these opportunities to be doing exercise, but I wasn’t taking them. Nowadays, I don’t sit on the couch to watch TV – I sit on my fitball. And instead of sitting in the car to wait for my son whilst I’m ferrying him around, I take the opportunity to go for a run in the meantime. As it turns out, I did have the time – I just wasn’t using it effectively.”

David’s also making changes to his eating habits. “It’s about reminding myself that occasional food means just that – occasional. It’s fine to have a bit of cake at morning tea, but not every day! Now I’ve realised I don’t always need that pudding after dinner, and I’m feeling a lot better in myself.”

Long-time Dockers fan David has his eye on the HBF Fit Fans prize – tickets to the Grand Final. But if he doesn’t win, he won’t feel too dejected – with better fitness levels and a sunnier outlook on life, this Docker is looking forward to keeping up with his new routine for many seasons to come.