Looking to score a sensational game day? We are giving fans the chance to kick goals for the environment and win some awesome prizes, all thanks to Containers for Change.

West Aussies use 1.3 billion drink containers every single year, and too many of those are still ending up in landfill, instead of getting recycled into something new. Make sure you dispose of your drink containers in the best way for WA by taking your empties to Containers for Change.

As a thank you for recycling with Containers for Change, Freo fans have the chance to win two tickets to a selected Freo home game, an incredible boundary rider experience, plus the chance to take to the field and play our recycling themed Containers for Change game.  


The process is simple:

Collect your drink containers
Look for the 10 cent mark on your recyclable drink containers, which indicate the container will be accepted for recycling. It’s mainly on products like soft drinks, juice, flavoured milk and small water bottles – containers where you drink out the container or on the go.

Take them to a Containers for Change refund point
There are different types of refund points across Western Australia, so find the right one for you.

Earn a refund or donate
You’ll receive 10 cents for every eligible container you return which you can keep or donate.

To enter for your chance to win, fill out the form below with your details and make sure you enter your Containers for Change Scheme ID.

Don't have a Containers for Change Scheme ID? Click here to create yours now

A Scheme ID – or Containers for Change membership account - is a great way to receive your refund straight into your bank account when returning empties to Containers for Change.